Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Immanuel CRC Team

So this past Sunday (Feb. 3) the Immanuel CRC Team went up in front of the church for our presentation and kick-off for our fundraising there. We are a team of 6 cyclists! Peter Kranenburg and myself are riding the who way and Peter Dehaan, Rick Dejonge, Al Karsten and Dave Van De Woerd are riding the last 2 weeks from Grand Rapids, MI to Jersey City, New Jersey.
Combined together we are raising $36,000. Seems like a lot? Well, maybe, but it can and will be done by God's guidance and blessing! Remember this is all to go for poverty!

We also set up the bulletin board and put up prayer and financial support partner sheets (where you can sign up for a day at $1/km). If all the spots are filled in this would raise about 50% of our goal.

I think everything went great that day and we took a couple of team pictures, sporting this years Sea to Sea shirts (borrowed, thanks to our connection in the office). Already I have had a few calls from those wanting to support us! So exciting! I'll be setting up a similar board at my current church (Hope CRC in Brantford) this Sunday! Dirk (also supported by Hope CRC) and I will be doing a presentation on the 24th of Feb and then Lord willing, a collection will be taken the following Sunday. It's exciting to see things get going now. In the beginning raising $10,000 can be a little overwhelming and mildly stressful if you let it be.

A little side note; so I've taught about 7 spinning classes now. Two Saturdays ago I already ran into a mild dilema! A good dilema I guess in a way... I actually ended up being 2 bikes short! Wow, amazing how the classes just all of a sudden start to fill up! It's so exciting! I've also filled in on a couple of classes when the other instructors were unable to be make it for whichever reason.
I have had a number of new people come to my classes, some who "use" to spin and others who have never spinned before. I really like to make sure that they are set up properly on their bikes (as you can do harm to your knees and other parts of the body if you are not) and have a good first experience overall. I find in some classes the instructor doesn't always take the time for this and that really is unfortunate. Just like making sure that someone coming for the first time realizes they don't have to push it as hard as the others, to just gradually build yourself up. I really recommend to my students to not do alot of tension add-ins the first class or two. Rather just take the time to get use to spinning and especially standing while on the bike. This can really throw new comers and it is definantly something you need to work up too. When this isn't pointed out, they can become discourage quickly and end up not coming back again as they just didn't enjoy it and possibly felt like they just couldn't and wouldn't ever be able to do it.
Anyhow though I'm really enjoying teaching these classes and my goal is to really pass that passion onto those in my class. It's a great time and I encourage you to try it out for a great way of training or just everyday winter exercise!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Well yesterday was the final day to sign up and as of January 31 there are exactly 200 cyclists signed up!!! Wow unbelievable, nearly 30 signed up in the last 3 weeks. There is still a possiblity of that number rising a little more in the next few days as they wait for the mail to come in, but how amazing is that number! God is soo good! Can you believe as well only 5 more months till we start! Till most of us meet! I can't wait for then.

Didn't sign up to be a cyclists but still feel like you are being called in someway to help? Well obviously there is always help needed financially and spiritually by prayer, but the Sea to Sea committee is still looking for volunteers to share your time and talents with the tour as a member of the support crew? If this interests you there is a spot on the website to go to that lists the positions available. Please pray about this.

In the last few weeks there have been e-mails flying around about specific prayer requests needed. Since those e-mails many of them have been answered so far! Praise God!

1) A permit was needed in order to end the tour at Liberty State Park on the water's edge in New Jersey. Normally, New Jersey government officials do not issue permits there on a holiday weekend and so far the committee had been denied. Well God answered our prayers and the committee has received the okay!!

2) There were hopes to have the tour stop in Grand Haven, Michigan on Friday, Aug. 15 and use the CRC conference grounds and the city-regulated surrounding area for overnight accommodation. Councillors from the township met on Jan. 28 for a final discussion and to vote on the request to stay there and it was approved!!! Thanks be to God!

The latest prayer request as far as accomidations go is: Ed Witvoet is looking for accommodations for Monday Aug. 25 and found the perfect school in Albion, NY. However, they are denying his request because they already have another cycling tour coming through and they don’t want to accommodate a second tour. He has asked a few times as well as some other places in the area but has thus been declined. If we would be able to stay in this area it would allow for they cyclists to cycle by the CRC and RCA churches in and around Rochester. Please pray that things may work out for the best here and that a place may arise that can accomidate us all.
Some other prayer requests have been about cyclists health and safety. Sadly there have been a number of car accidents, surgeries, and just general health problems that have effected many of those participating in the tour. Please remember to keep everyone involved in your prayers during these next 5 months and of course while on the tour. Anyone of us could get in an accident or sick and be unable train for the ride. Please uphold us and continue to encourage as there is a lot involved even before we go.
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!... Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:4, 6-7