First off I want to start with thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts over the last while. God truly has been great. I managed to get a really quick MRI apt and already have my results only 4 business days later when told it would be 7-10 days.
My first bit of news which is an answer to prayer for sure is that my meniscus is not torn!
What I do have is
Illiotibial Band Syndrome) where the IT Band is sliding over the Lateral Femoral
Epicandyle (I know, I know your probably thinking whatever that is, lol) and causing friction which then causes fluid and swelling in the knee. Basically it effects the soft tissue within the knee area and causes pain,
inflammation and discomfort. However, it's
The hard part still is taking the time to rest and to not overwork my knee, which will be hard when I'm trying to get all this training in. This is where I really have to depend on God to help me find the patience within myself and to not stress out about my lack of training over the next while and to ask God to help me in making various decisions (like should I enter the Paris to
Ancaster Bike race that is already only a few weeks away, April 20 or would that be pushing it). It's times like these that I am so thankful that I know God and know that he is always there watching over us all. He never said things would be easy but he always promised to be right there and to carry us over any obstacles that we may encounter along the way as long as we ask for his help (and really even when we don't). What an amazing, loving God that we have the blessing to know.
So where do I go from here? Not a 100%. I have booked an apt. with a Soft Tissue Chiropractor in hopes for some help and direction on what sort of exercising/stretching I need to do to make my knee stronger again. And of course I'll continue to ice.
All things will work out I know and of course I am still very much looking forward to this summer!! I can't believe it's only 13 weeks away now!
On another note, I'm having my first big fundraiser tomorrow - Soup and Chili :)
mmm. Again God has blessed me there and I have had an amazing amount of people who have offered to help out that evening and to make pots of soup or chili. I really appreciate
everyone's help and support. It's wonderful to see others get involved as well and to really back and support such a wonderful cause! Praise God!