Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Alive!!

Hey Everyone!!
It's me! Can you believe it! I sure can't. I haven't had much luck with getting on the Internet since being here. Seems like every time I finally get my hands on a laptop, that's when the connection goes down. Ah, well. I'm on now.

I finally uploaded all my pictures to date to my flickr page with some stories along with them. Please check them out!

Sadly I won't really be keeping a detailed day to day blog anymore as it is just too hard to being able to get online to keep it up-to-date. I will probably be posting pictures more then anything.

But I do want to give a quick update.

Things have been awesome here! I can't believe we are nearly done our second week of riding! How the time sure does fly by! Only 7 more weeks to go :( lol.

Everyone here is absolutely amazing and wonderful. The relationships that have been forming are so genuine. Everyone has such a respect for each other and for the leaders as well. There is just this wonderful sense of peace and community over the camp. It's wonderful.

I can't begin to tell you how much fun I am having. It's soo busy here, always having something to do. So many stories to tell...I've been able to keep my journal up to-date so far so if you have time when I get back I'll be able to tell you all about the summer. For now though you'll mostly have to read them through other people's blogs who I have been hanging out with. (Sorry)

I have been riding mostly with Hilena, Julia, Nick, Joshua, Ryan, Jeff S., David S. Len M., Jenna, Kaitlyn, Annette and so many more. I have been trying to jump around, especially on the days where my knee really bothers me as I hate to slow people down. Julia and Hilena (and others) have been so caring and considerate for when I need to stop and stretch.

Oh yeah, for those of you who have not heard, sadly my knee acted up right away on the first day and gave me a lot of grief. I've been popping those anti-inflammitory meds ever since (so much for my liver, lol). I have had so many people praying for me and I know that is what is getting me through each day. There have been moments I'll admit (like the second day before the hill climb up Steven's Pass) that I didn't know if I would be able to make it but God has been with me in every pedal stroke I take. Now it hasn't been all bad. I have had a number of days where I've been able to ride with not much pain and those days I try to fly and push for at least half of the ride to build up my strength. It's soooo much fun to do.

I've been getting to meet so many people of various ages and it's been wonderful. I have shed all competition feelings and have just accepted the speed I have to go at now and then. I have such a sense of peace about it and really don't feel in any hurry (except near the end on super long days) to get to Point B. It's been great. God has really helped me through this.

I've ridden with Len our main chaplain a few times now and it's been so much fun. He is such a great guy and has such an amazing character. He makes me laugh so much. Yesterday, it was just the two of us riding, just taking our time. I learned so much about him, his childhood, his children and how he met his wife. Amazing stories, which I all wrote down in my journal.

I absolutely love my sweep team. We work sooo well together and have such a great time. We've been sweep twice now (as we are Team A). We started with supper last night and then we swept the ride today (on an easy 56km, which we deserved after our super hard sweep last Tuesday up Steven's pass - we didn't get in till 6:45pm that night).

The food has been amazing here as well. The cooking staff have really outdone themselves. I am definitely NOT loosing any weight but in fact think I have gained some!! lol.

Ed and Jen having done a great job with leadership too and Ed has mapped out some really great routes with wide shoulders for us to bike on. Though the last couple of days we have had no choice but to ride on the very busy interstate a few times (something many have not enjoyed). Yesterday Len and I flew along the interstate at 35-45km/hour!

Well, I really should get going. I skipped Paleton and small groups tonight to get caught up (shame on me I know :P) but sometimes you got to do what you got to do :)

Anyhow I hope things are all well with all of you too!


Aaltje said...


hilda said...

Hello Steph.

So good to see your,(are alive)blog, looks like you are having a great time beautiful scenery and of course I loved all your pictures. Say hi to my girl Hilena.My prayers and love are with you and all your fellow cyclists.

Anonymous said...

Dear Steph
Our prayers were with you today... the pictures are awesome.
Keep up the peddling...
Say Hi to Hilena

PS Hope the knee will not cause you too much stress.

Love Sharon and John

Leida Dykstra said...

Stephanie, so glad to read your blog update, especially on the day that our prayers all day were for you and Peter!!! Continue on!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie
Heard about your knee problems, that they continue. I pray that God may strengthen them soon! What a week to have the theme of patience...
Gerald K