Monday, September 22, 2008

Challenged to Grow

One of the things I talk about when asked what I enjoyed about the summer is usually about the community, the closeness, the support and encouragement. As well as being challenged in my faith and surrounded by others who live their lives for Jesus. I knew it would be something that would take some time finding again. I didn't really have any groups I was a part of that could get together and discuss various scripture. I talked with my cousin and she told me about a group that she goes too so last night I went and checked it out with her.

I really enjoyed our opening worship. Instead of songs or anything you would typically expect at the start of a study we ended up going out into the Dundern Castle park, separating ourselves from each other but close enough we could still see everyone and we spent about 7-8 min. in reflection on things we were thankful for and how they made us grow.

There were a number of things that came to mind but during that time and discussion later a couple of things hit me. Before the tour I had prayed that the upcoming summer would help challenge me and strengthen me to grow in my faith. Though my belief in God never wavers, I was struggling with being exactly who God wants me to be. I was finding my faith life and my walk was nearing more a luke warm level then the on fire faith I really did (and do) want to have.

Looking back I realized that though I am still not where I want to be that God did put many situations and people in my path that challenged me and help me to grow. Infact, I now feel that the issues with my knee were a great helping factor. Continually working on the fruit of the spirits; especially Patience!

During the morning service at Hope CRC in Brantford, Dirk and I put together a presentation on the Sea to Sea. I really wanted to share so much and really allow the congregation an insight into what we experienced. It was kind of funny though; I think Dirk's presentation was just over 2 minutes, mine was about 8 minutes :) and the offering that we were presenting through was about 4 minutes :) Oops, lol. Though after the service I got a lot of really encouraging feedback and comments of appreciation so I think in the end it went really well.

I've included below what I had to say (though yes I realize it will make this blog that much longer, I do hope you enjoy it).

Wow! What a summer!
Even now it is still hard to believe that after over a year of anticipation we have already completed the 9 week tour and have been back into the “so called normal life”.
There is so much I wish I could tell you, so many stories and memories to share but I could be up here forever.
So where do I start? What do I say that could sum up the most amazing summer in only a few minutes?
Over the last few weeks I’ve been asked numerous times, how was it? And I find myself only being able to say a couple descriptive words at best. It was Amazing! Life changing, Exhilarating! Unbelievable and absolutely God breathed.
So here is my chance to elaborate and I find myself not knowing where to begin.

In the beginning, so much of it was about biking. The tour found itself to be much harder than many even imagined and found themselves mostly focusing on just getting through the day. Not only that but taking the time to get to know everyone both young and old as well as trying to get into a morning routine. It was so funny to watch, some mornings, all the running around as people tried to get out before the fierceness of the sun shone high.
As a couple weeks went by it became more obvious that the real reason why we were on this tour was not coming out as much as many hoped or liked. We had been given these Sea to Sea cards that we could hand out to people along the way and we were really encouraged to take the time to stop and talk with anyone and everyone about why we were out there on the road riding in some days over 100F and where we were headed.
It was amazing how many people were extremely interested in what we were doing and many cyclists found themselves receiving donations right there along the way! Some days we would see how many cards we could hand out, tapping on windows of cars while we were stopped waiting for a light to change. Telling the wonderful staff at cafes that we would fill up entirely, some often giving us free food or drinks! Just stopping along the side of the road to talk especially when someone shouted, “Hey what’s going on?”

In the evenings we would have what we called Paleton meetings, where we discussed the happenings of the day, the weather, Ed would go over the route for the next day, and a few other things but what was really special to listen to was when we started to tell stories of various God moments because there were so many of them every day. God’s providence – we would say. How someone had a close call but through God’s providence it ended up not being that close. Riding through a neighbourhood on the way to Chicago where only less then a week before had been hit by a tornado! We come back and hear of how much rain you all had but God had us traveling in a sun bubble! In the end I think we had maybe 5 days of rain the entire summer, most of which stopped within the first few hours of the day!
There were stories of complete strangers coming up asking if they could pray for us and sometimes in their prayer focusing on exactly what we needed right at that moment. God was constantly putting people in our paths that touched us and used us to touch them.

I am so thankful that God chose me to be one of the 220 cyclists this summer. He used me and pushed me in ways I’ve never been pushed before. Over and over again he pushed me to learn patience, to be an encouragement to others, to be positive and to be happy with each day whatever may come.

As most of you know I found myself immediately faced with having to deal with my knee troubles but at the same time even though there were definitely some hard days, I always felt your prayers and knew that it was through God only that I was able to finish each day. Not by my own will or strength but by him.

In the end, entering into the 4th week, I did have to take a number of days off to let my knee heal but from that I was able to experience the tour in other ways that I never would have had the chance too, being on the bike the entire time. Seeing behind the scenes, spending time with the kitchen crew ladies, our media people, our SAG volunteers and yes, even though I did wish I could be biking, I am very thankful for those days as well.

I had promised myself that once we hit Michigan I would bike every day no matter what but God had other plans! From the moment that I received my knee brace, that my mom had to FedEx to me while staying in Dordt, I was able to ride pretty much everyday (except for a few missed km's those first few days getting back into it)!! I was so thankful and I know that it was because of all of the prayers back home. I couldn’t believe that I got to ride almost the entire last 4 weeks as well.

A number of things that also stand out from the summer were the views. Out west is like riding through a National Geographic magazine. It is so different then here and it is absolutely beautiful…sure after awhile we did get pretty sick of all the sage bush and craved for shade from a maple tree back home but still it was amazing all the same. The mountains to the desert to prairies to the lushness of the East. God sure is one amazing artist!

We also were able to enjoy the many Celebration Rallies held along the way. Each one quite different from the next but each powerful in its own way. Our own in St. Catharines having it's own God moment, where it poured right up to the start of the Rally itself and out shone a rainbow!

The community was one of my favourite parts. How the young and old mixed, supported each other, laughed with each other and encouraged each other. There was never a day I didn’t feel the support from those in camp and am so thankful for the many friendships made.

One of the most amazing days was riding into Jersey City that final day. It was an experience like no other. Escorted through three different jurisdictions, police cruisers closing down major interstates and intersections for us to ride straight through. It was hard to not feel like a celebrity but thinking how weird that was because all you were doing was riding your bike. Along the way we got tons of honks in support, people clapping and cheering us on, many not even necessarily knowing what we were about – us trying to throw out as many cards as possible - litterly, lol. It was so cool to ride into Liberty State Park and see the Statue of Liberty for the first time, then lining up along the water’s edge to finish the summer with dipping in our front tires into the Atlantic Ocean. Wow!

I want to end with saying thank you to this church. I want to thank you once again for your prayers for mine and Dirk’s safety this summer, and your prayers that I would be challenged and grow. I also want to thank all of you who sent encouragement notes my way at some point during those 9 weeks. Thanks as well to all of you who contributed towards the fundraising of the bike tour. The final tally from the summer is not exactly complete but at last tally it was somewhere near 2.2 million.

As I close though, I want to say that even though the tour is over, it is not the end. Not the end but rather the beginning. Poverty has not ended and so we must continue to find ways in how we can get involved, whether it be away on a missions trip or locally. But I challenge you all and encourage you all to find ways how you can make a difference. Check out how you can help those within our own community. It can be for an hour, a day or more often but unless we all come together and work at ending the cycle of poverty then how can it? Pray about it and ask God where you can be used today.

Thank you so much!


Eritia said...

Hey Steph,
Good to see your blog updated and some of your thoughts on the trip shared! It's truly been a great summer! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

Great write up Steph and sounds like an unbelievable time. Glad you were able to be a part of such an event. Unforgetable. Dave & I were thinking of you as the tour progressed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,

It's Monday morning, and perhaps you are driving back to Canada. I just finished catching up on your blog and have a few tears in my eyes! Thanks for posting again. It even brought back some Denver memories for me which seems so long ago. Thanks so much for making the trip to GR this past weekend, it was great to see you and find out how you're doing!