Monday, June 14, 2010

Breakfast in Amsterdam, Dinner in Ukraine (quote spoken by Sue…first)

It’s been nearly a week since we departed from Toronto and I can easily say that it was actually one of the best weeks of traveling I have ever encountered! God is good, no joking around this time  We prayed for smooth sailing and that is exactly what we had – and more!

We caught all our connecting flights and our only hiccup (as far as hostels go) worked for the better.

Arrived in Amsterdam and connected with friends and family – first my friend Alef (from my DTS) arrived about an hour after we did and then an hour after that family, Ab and Henny arrived and we all spent a few most enjoyable hours (even through only having slept for 2 hours during our short night).

From Amsterdam we flew to Ukraine, grabbed three taxi vans (at cheaper price and quicker transportation than the bus/train) and headed to our first hostel for our 24 hour stay over in Kiev. To our discovery they had no reservation for us, but God has sent us an Angel in our one driver – who bluntly told us, this was not a good area anyhow and helped us find a much better host…Centrally Located! Not only was that the name of the hostel but it was and it was even 2 Euros cheaper/person. It was beautiful, our view reminded me of my stay in Argentina. From our driving what we saw of the city has made us excited for our return.

After a great nights sleep, we headed back to the airport (having reserved our previous drivers for a scheduled time pickup) and flew to Budapest.

Having a 6 ½ hour layover, we gave the choice to the team to head out and enjoy the city. Nine of us chose to go in (well the others enjoyed the time to sleep some more and use the wireless internet) and we grabbed two taxis at 25 Euros/car/one way - not bad at all! It was amazing to be back in Budapest, having been there just 10 years previously (Ukraine as well) on my Summer Missions Project trip with CRWRC. What an anniversary  It was so great to see the many familiar sights. We had 3 wonderful hours to spend in this amazingly old, historical architecturally city. We also had the chance to enjoy a true Hungarian dinner – pickled cabbage and Gulash with bread and for dessert – the amazing ice cream I’ve remembered all these years. What a treat!

We arrived back at the airport with plenty of time to catch our final flight that took us to Tirana, Albania. We were instantly met by our contact Sherry outside of customs and were swept away to our stay (for 2 nights) at the “Hope for Albania” missionary foundation housing. It was a late night, or rather early morning when we finally went to sleep, waking up nice and late for a TRUE DUTCH breakfast! Another treat. The couple of the house is from Holland and often receive food shipments of Dutch cheese and chocolate sprinkles and peanut butter. What a great way to wake up!

We spent the day in Tirana, Sherry was kind enough to take us on a tour of the city and to tell us her story as well as her part in YWAM arriving in Albania many years previous to spread the gospel and to plant a Church.

We were absolutely mesmerized by the city’s beauty and European feeling. What a beautiful place, everybody comes out in the evening, enjoying the slightly cooler weather at that time, and enjoy some drinks in the square or games of soccer, or other activities in the surrounding grassy areas or just each others company.

On Friday, at about 11am, we finally left for our final destination – Pogredec! It would be approx. 3-4 hour trip…through the MOUNTAINS! And here I was thinking how I missed my summer last year in BC. The scenery was gorgeous! However, it was not without a little nausea for a few, including myself, though it was not too bad. There were many twist and turns and FAR down drop offs that were definitely enough to make anyone’s stomach turn, at least a little.

We finally arrived and were greeted by our contact here as well as the couple who are house managers of the Bible college that we are staying at. Orientation followed and a brief tour of “The Nest” (school where we will be leading daily children’s programs) and of the city.

We certainly were truly blessed this past week and I just praise our God, the Creator of this amazing World. The ultimate Artist, thanks be to Him. Thank you as well for your prayers this past week for our time of travels, as you can tell, they definitely made for a great week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, how cool to share this adventure via your blog. I'm glad you are able to see God's hand at work through the travels and provision and can testify to His goodness to you at this time! May you find this time richly fulfilling as you continue to experience new things :)

Ali Al Marzouq said...

it is so good to hear about your trip and how it went well. I wish you all the best and will pray for you always.