Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thank You!

Well, today was our final day of lectures in this JAMM DTS and next Monday, June 7 finds 15 of us flying off for outreach. How time has flown by these last 3 months. I still feel like I just came back from my own DTS and now I am already moving out of Port Credit.

We are a group of 12 students (3 guys) and 3 staff heading to Albania for our first month and to Ukraine for our final month. When we leave on Monday we will be traveling nearly 4 days to get to our first destination, which may even include sleeping overnight in an airport in Kiev, Ukraine. Please pray for safety and that we will catch all are connecting flights.

We will be staying in Pogradec, Albania and will help run a day camp out of 'The Nest', a home for Roma Children (some rescued from trafficking clutches), the nearby park and the area school grounds. This will put our team in daily contact with some of the most vulnerable kids there. A few other items we will also be involved with are: prayer walks, leading open air evangelism, home Bible studies with Roma families, Art Therapy lessons, etc.

Our second month will be in the capital city of Ukraine in Kiev. Here we will be bringing with us an awareness program, collaborating with a group that is already building up a program to bring awareness to young women about Human Trafficking and how to keep from getting trapped into the web of this nightmarish issue.

Two of the students (Richard and Ali) and one staff (Heather) are heading off to Vancouver for their outreach time as they are unable to leave the country at this time, due to applying for permanent residency and refugee status in Canada. They will be working with Missions Adventures in the heart of Vancouver. They will be sadly missed as they are a big part of our group but we wish them a great time and will keep them in our prayers as well.

Finally, I just wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU ALL who have been such a great support to me over these last couple of years and have followed along on my journey that God has called me into. Your constant prayers have made such an impact on my life in so many ways and I just thank you so much for continuing to keep me, and those I am with, in your prayers. Also I thank you for your cards and words of encouragements. I am only able to do what I do when I am inline with Gods calling and also the support of my community. Each are an equally important element. So again I THANK YOU! May you be blessed as you have continually blessed me.

1 comment:

Leida Dykstra said...

Safe traveling!
You will be kept in our prayers!