When I look back at the last 10 years of my life, I have really seen God watching over me and answering my prayers through the people he has brought into my life. Over the years I have come to the realization that some friends are meant to always be a part of my life and others are only passing through, but with that realization comes also the understanding to truly appreciate those around me while they are in my life. I've learned that some will just drift through and others will touch your heart stronger than you might realize at first but they are all a part of your life for a reason.
There have been a few times were I have sadly been hurt by those in my life and times where I have felt myself rather alone, but when I most needed a friend in my life God has always come through and put that person there.
The first time was when I first started College and all those highschool friends who you thought you would be "Friends-4-Ever" with seem to disperse into their own new lives. At that time I met my best friend, Julia. She has been the biggest blessing in my life and I am thankful to God everyday that she is a part of my life...of course I wish she lived a lot closer as she also moved across Canada 6 years ago but whenever we talk on the phone or get together on vacation time it's like no time has passed. Julia and I have been through hard times and bad times and of course good times, and believe me we have had our share but we have always been there for eachother, always with listening ear, a great big hug and love. Right now she is going through some hard times again with her health and I lift her to God and entrust him as I know he will take care of her and watch over her. I love you so much Julia. Don't ever forget how special you are to me.

Another moment was 2 years ago when I lost another best friend in my life but God came through again and I met the most amazing friends when I started rock climbing. Though some of us don't see each other as much as we use too (down to maybe once or twice a month as most of them no longer climb, you suck guys ;) lol) we have had some great times and moments and I am so glad to still be a part of this amazing group of friends.
Recently I have been going through some other changes. Though I can't go into much detail I've had to give space to someone who I hung out with a lot and is very special to me and it's been hard to not get to talk all the time and hang out one on one but hopefully in due time that will be able to happen again. Another good friend is going traveling for a month and then next May is moving away to NWT.
Now what made me start this blog that seems to not really have anything to do with biking or the sea to sea? Well actually it has a lot to do with them both. Because of biking and especially the tour God has brought a new friend into my life and I am so thankful. Though I love all my friends, I don't have many friends who are christians and lately I have been really needing to

have someone who is and who I can talk about things that affect my life as a Christian and to discuss my faith with. Someone who can understand where I am coming from without judging but also will point things out that I might need reminding of.
Last Saturday Hilena and I went out again for another road ride. November 3 and the weather was georgeous still! Beautiful colours on the trees, bright shiny sun and great company. Nothing like riding and laughing as you go along :)

I took my camera along this time (though sadly it died after only a few photos, guess I should have checked the batteries) and we had fun taking some goofy shots :) We ended up going for a 50km ride in about 2 hours. Had a bit of wind on our way back in. After riding we got cleaned up and headed out for dinner to fill our starving tummies. It's unbelievable how with some people you just click and talk about everything under the sun. In fact we did so much talking we pretty much missed the movie we were planning on seeing after. LOL. Oh well, what can you do :) It was almost a perfect "date". LOL
I am looking fwd to next year when I will get to meet all the other cyclists on the tour. I know many more friendships will be made, some stronger than others, but all will make an impact on my life and I am thankful for the opportunity.
In closing I just want to say that sometimes it is hard to see people go in and out of your life but remember God is always there and is always watching over us and he will always put people in your life when you need it. Have you thanked God lately for those friends in you life?
"You turned my wailing into dancing...and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." - Psalm 30:11-12
"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me." - Psalm 13:5-6