Friday, December 21, 2007
Christmas Greetings
So what has been happening the last while? Well we are officially the biggest tour to cross North America! We now officially have 104 cyclists riding straight across! Another 46 are doing sections of the tour! This is so exciting. It's hard to believe that the tour is only another 6 months away. I sent out fundraising letters a couple of weeks ago to my church but hope to really launch my fundraising come January. It's great how many of my friends and family have already showed their support and want to help me in my fundraising in whatever way they can. Many e-mails regarding fundraising ideas and other bike related items have been flying back and forth between the cyclists on the tour. It's so great to see how others are doing and how they are coming up with the funds for the tour.
Obviously though I have stopped biking outside. With 3 storms having hit our area already there is no way you will see me outside on a bike in this weather. Instead I have retreated to the gym for spinning classes twice a week, soon to be 3 times. I even ended up taking a course to get my own spinning instructor certificate. My friend Mari has been so wonderful and has given me some pointers, so over the holidays I hope to put some spinning sets together and then hopefully in the new year I'll be able to start teaching at my own gym :) I'm kind of nervous in someways (as I've never felt that I had the qualities to be a teacher of any kind) but I have had so much encouragement from those who know me well that I am also really excited about this new venture and feel I need to push myself and try something out of the box for me.
Lately I've been reading the devotional What's So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey and it amazes me how so often we forget that is exactly what God is about. What us Christians should be about. Giving grace. Just today I listened to this YouTube post about a boy who talks about how he had to put down his sick cow and he yelled out to God, "Why, she was special to me?" and God answered him, "You know, my son was special but he died for a purpose and it's kind of the same thing." God understands when we go through these moments because his own son died for us so that we might live. At this time of the year though we remember the birth of Jesus. How he was sent to earth to give grace to those of us who are so underserving. Sometimes we as humans (myself included) forget that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more or nothing we can do to make God love us less. I pray every day that I can lead a life of grace to those around me because God showed me grace. I pray that God may use me and challenge me to become a living answer to those around me who desperately want to know Grace in their lives.
Well I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May God bless us all as he always does and may we all enjoy our time spent with family. I can't wait for the days I'll get to spend with my family. See you in the new year!
Friday, November 9, 2007
God's blessings through friends
There have been a few times were I have sadly been hurt by those in my life and times where I have felt myself rather alone, but when I most needed a friend in my life God has always come through and put that person there.
The first time was when I first started College and all those highschool friends who you thought you would be "Friends-4-Ever" with seem to disperse into their own new lives. At that time I met my best friend, Julia. She has been the biggest blessing in my life and I am thankful to God everyday that she is a part of my life...of course I wish she lived a lot closer as she also moved across Canada 6 years ago but whenever we talk on the phone or get together on vacation time it's like no time has passed. Julia and I have been through hard times and bad times and of course good times, and believe me we have had our share but we have always been there for eachother, always with listening ear, a great big hug and love. Right now she is going through some hard times again with her health and I lift her to God and entrust him as I know he will take care of her and watch over her. I love you so much Julia. Don't ever forget how special you are to me.
Another moment was 2 years ago when I lost another best friend in my life but God came through again and I met the most amazing friends when I started rock climbing. Though some of us don't see each other as much as we use too (down to maybe once or twice a month as most of them no longer climb, you suck guys ;) lol) we have had some great times and moments and I am so glad to still be a part of this amazing group of friends.
Recently I have been going through some other changes. Though I can't go into much detail I've had to give space to someone who I hung out with a lot and is very special to me and it's been hard to not get to talk all the time and hang out one on one but hopefully in due time that will be able to happen again. Another good friend is going traveling for a month and then next May is moving away to NWT.
Now what made me start this blog that seems to not really have anything to do with biking or the sea to sea? Well actually it has a lot to do with them both. Because of biking and especially the tour God has brought a new friend into my life and I am so thankful. Though I love all my friends, I don't have many friends who are christians and lately I have been really needing to have someone who is and who I can talk about things that affect my life as a Christian and to discuss my faith with. Someone who can understand where I am coming from without judging but also will point things out that I might need reminding of.
Last Saturday Hilena and I went out again for another road ride. November 3 and the weather was georgeous still! Beautiful colours on the trees, bright shiny sun and great company. Nothing like riding and laughing as you go along :) I took my camera along this time (though sadly it died after only a few photos, guess I should have checked the batteries) and we had fun taking some goofy shots :) We ended up going for a 50km ride in about 2 hours. Had a bit of wind on our way back in. After riding we got cleaned up and headed out for dinner to fill our starving tummies. It's unbelievable how with some people you just click and talk about everything under the sun. In fact we did so much talking we pretty much missed the movie we were planning on seeing after. LOL. Oh well, what can you do :) It was almost a perfect "date". LOL
I am looking fwd to next year when I will get to meet all the other cyclists on the tour. I know many more friendships will be made, some stronger than others, but all will make an impact on my life and I am thankful for the opportunity.
In closing I just want to say that sometimes it is hard to see people go in and out of your life but remember God is always there and is always watching over us and he will always put people in your life when you need it. Have you thanked God lately for those friends in you life?
"You turned my wailing into dancing...and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." - Psalm 30:11-12
Thursday, October 25, 2007
100 cyclists!!
But we still want more. So if you are thinking about it I really encourage you to sign up. Don't think about all the what if's and how am I going to be able to do this and so on. Remember God is a big God and he is always watching over us. If it is in his plan for you to be on this tour things will fall into place. Trust in him.
Just think of all the amazing memories to come! and all the people you will meet.
Please also continue to keep the committe and all those involved in the tour in your prayers.
This is going to be a great summer! See you there!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Beautiful Weekend
Hilena is another rider on the Sea to Sea. We connected about a month ago and have made it out for 2 rides so far. It's been so great having someone to ride with, especially since we click so well. Quite amazed actually that I found someone who talks more than I do! lol.
So we planned for an afternoon ride and originally I was going to just do my "usual" route that I had taken her out on the week previous but due to winds coming from the west at 35-40km/hour I thought it best that I change it up and do more of a south/north route. So we rode off to Paris. The winds were a bit strong on our way out but not too horrible. The colours on the trees are finally becoming more brilliant which made for a touch of heaven feeling. Especially when we turned down this one road with the winds at our back, the colours were just amazing and we were just flying along with absolutely no effort. I looked down to notice we were going between 35-40km/hour.
But of course the very last part of our ride was back into those winds and we had 2 hills to go and I swear that wind picked up to over 40km/hr, I don't know but man was it tough, then we were only doing like 18km/hr. Hilena and I kept taking turns leading so the other could have a break for a moment while drafting.
In total we did about 42km in just under 2 hours. Not the fastest but a very enjoyable ride to say the least, with excellent company.
Saturday night was another evening spent in the presence of God. Brian Doerksen was playing here in Cambridge at Forward Baptist Church. My best friend Julia gave me my first CD of him a number of years ago for my birthday. I now have all 3. He is so talented when it comes to music, and the lyrics really speak to the heart and worship of God. The place was packed with people. I went with my wonderful Aunt Yolanda and Uncle Donnie. (Also great company.) I want to write so much more here but sometimes I find it hard to really put into words how I feel. It just simply was an amazing evening of worship.
Sunday was another great day, went for a rollerblade down at Pier 4 in Hamilton and then spent the afternoon with my parents.
I truly felt blessed this weekend.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
September - What a great month!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hot August Nights 24 Hour Bike Race
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Almost a great ride
Today was a great day for a ride though. Absolutely beautiful weather out, 18 degrees when I started, rose to about 24 degrees. 15km/hr NW winds. Wasn't too bad. Traffic was fairly light for the most part but it's funny how the cars seem to drive by in packs.
So anyhow why was it almost a great ride? Well after having riden already 58 km I was on the home stretch, back on familiar roads, about 7 km left to go. Feeling a bit hungry and a wee bit tired but otherwise feeling great. I was setting up for the 3rd last hill, hitting some higher gears when I felt it and heard my rim scrapping against the road...noooooooooo. I had blown a tube somehow, though funny I hadn't heard it blow, shoot must have ridden over something sharp.
So off I get, dump everything out of my seat pack, thinking I sure hope I do this right this time. I was actually doing pretty good too, managed to get the tire off the rim fairly easily, took out the tube, didn't see where the hole was so I ran my fingers along the inside of my tire just to make sure there was nothing sharp still in there. So I got my tube in all set to be blown up, set up my CO2 cartrige and...nothing...great...what did I do wrong this time. Stupid valve didn't get punctured and there was noooo way I could tighten it any tigher. That's it, I am done with those cartriges, they never work for me!! I am officially buying a small pump for my road bike!
So now what to do? Well this is why you always carry a cell. Called home to see if my roomate happend to be called a few friends from Brantford...none of them were home....hmmm. Well you know maybe I will just go knock on that lovely house's door across the street. Thankfully a girl about my age answers the door. "Sorry to bother you but by chance would you happen to have a bike pump?" Well she didn't have a pump but she was on her way into Brantford and would be willing to drop me off at my place. WOW how awesome is that. "Thank you sooo much I really appreciate it." So I went and put my bike back together as she finished getting ready, then loaded my bike in her truck and off we went. It's amazing where you can find good samaritans, eh! Sure saved me about a 30-40min walk back home lugging my bike along.
So sadly I didn't get my full ride in but up to that point it was great none-the-less.
58km in 2 hours 10 min. (suppose to be a 66km route)
26.5km average
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Monday Night Road Ride
Monday, August 6, 2007
Finding the right adjustment - never easy
Well I was going up to Long Point at a friends cottage for the weekend but I wanted to get in a decent ride on sat morning. So out I went just after 10ish in the morning (a bit of a slow start but what can I say :) ) I realized after a bit that my shoulders were feeling jammed again into my handle bars. I decided that maybe the seat had been shifted down just a bit too much, so I got off, took out my tools and shifted 'er back up a touch but after about 6km my seat was really rubbing and making for an uncomfortable ride and I was feeling like I was stretched out too far again. So once again I got off my bike, took out my tools and slide my seat a touch forward (as I realized I must have accidentally pushed it back a bit when I was playing with it before). It's unbelievable how just cm's can make such a difference. But I know Lance himself says he can tell when a mechanic has slightly adjusted his bike to not the right measurements. He says since he knows his bike so well he can tell when things are off even by a few cm's! Being a lot less experienced, even though I can feel in my body things are not quite right, to actually figure out where the problem is, is not so easy.
But off I went again having only road 15km in like 35 min or so because of all my stops :P The rest of the ride was a good one but on my way out I had strong winds so I was going pretty slow. The way back was way more fun. In total I did 55km, home by 12:30pm.
Managed to get another ride in on Monday morning as well. The ride felt way better. Though this time I had the head wind on my way back. It was a strong one again. I seem to be only able to go about 22km/hour when going into the wind. I have to figure out how to go faster but I guess that just comes with strength. I'm trying to make my rides longer and longer but even though I feel like I am adding on new routes and today I ended up going to Copetown and back and then in the last half of my ride going all around Brantford it still ended up being only 58km! Riding time was 2hours and 20 min. Funny thing is, my back felt a lot better today. I think I will hold off for another week or so, get some more riding (with this latest adjustment) under my belt before I swap stem's. Though I think I still need to change my handlebars at some point. The reach to my hubs is good, but my reach to the horn's seems to be just a bit too far (noticed on last Monday's road ride that they all had shorter handlebars). Sigghh, so much to do! and figure out! But at least I got a few more months on the road before the winter and another 10 months before the tour next year to sort everything out.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Just the beginning
Well, I thought that maybe since I was going to be participating in this big adventure next summer that maybe I would try out the blog thing to keep track of it all. I'm definantly more of a designer than I am a writer but please bare with me (and my spelling :P). So here goes...
Earlier this year I found out that my church denomination (Christian Reformed - CRC) is planning another "Sea to Sea" in 2008. What is a "Sea to Sea" event? Well in 2005 the CRC planned a tour that saw 160 cyclists ride across Canada to celebrate the 100 year anniversary for CRC in Canada and at the same time raise funds for Church planting. In 2008, they plan a similiar tour across much of the U.S. and part of Canada and could have as many as 500 participants riding!!
So how am I involved? Well after much prayer I felt that God was calling me to be a cyclist in this tour. Believe me, this decision did not come lightly or with out stress. Trying to figure out where my life is going, my job, where I wanted to live. Everything seemed to be effected by this decision on what to do.
The issues of poverty in this world has been weighing heavy on my heart (especially in the last few years) and I have had a strong need and want to do something that can make a difference. When I found out that the Sea to Sea in 2008's focus was in raising funds for poverty around the world and combined with my love of riding I knew that God was calling me and saying, "Hey here's your chance".
I have been mountain biking for, oh let's see, 4 or 5 summers now and in February 2006 I bought my first road bike. Let me tell ya, learning how to ride a road bike after being on a mountain bike for so long is not as easy as you think. My balance sucked!! But in the last year I have been doing a lot of training for my mtn bike races and have been on my road bike a fair amount and I am definantly improving.
In fact I went out for my first group road ride last night. I was pretty nervous as I know riding by yourself is completely different than riding with others. I had been averaging 26 km/hr on my usual route with minor hills at best. The ride ended up being pretty good. We did 58 km in 2 hours averaging 27.8 km/hr though often on the flats they were flying between 30-35km/hr. I was able to keep up for the first half but then my legs gave out. In a slight mercy I blew a tube so we had to stop for a minute to get that fixed and I had time to rest and recover for the remainder of the ride. I definantly realized I have not been pushing myself hard enough still and have a lot of work to go...but I will get there. Keep ya posted on how things go :)