Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flying High!

What a great day!
It first started with my mom calling me at work to tell me that from the bunch of letters I sent a few weeks ago to various companies I had recieved 3 RESPONSES all today! and along with them amazing support and contribution to the cause to fight poverty. In total from those 3 letters there were $800 in donations! Absolutely amazing! Praise God! Mom said when whe opened the mail all she saw at first was junkmail and she just sent a quick prayer up asking for something positive and low and behold were those 3 letters tucked in with it! So cool.

After work, I grabbed my bike and headed out for another ride. Missed riding last night due to weather but hit the gym instead. Today the weather was still blah, very foggy, misty, but warm at least so out I went anyhow. Thankfully the wind was blowing in the right direction so I could do my favourite route the right way with hitting the strong winds on my way out and having them at my back on the way home. Even though it was a slow ride out it still felt great and when I turned around I was flying! Riding and my spirit! It just felt so right and so great and I'm just so thankful that I was able to have that experience again. Thank you Lord for watching over me and guiding me through. Only through you.

I can also start to tell that my strength is slowly starting to come back. Yeah :) I was in such good spirits despite the gloomy weather overhead that when I got home and was doing my stretches listening to my IPod, I was also doing a little boogying outside! lol I'm sure I might have made a few neighbours smile, lol. Ah well, it's all good.

What a great day :)

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